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Mental Health Awareness Week

And yet very few people feel able to talk about it, because we are British and we must pull ourselves together and have a stiff upper lip. Let it all out. Make a song and dance out of your depression — because only by screaming and shouting are people in positions of power unable to ignore us. It was from this thought that Mental Health Mates was born. Back in January , I was in a terrible funk because I had just spent several months writing a memoir of my mental health, and who knew that writing about mental illness might make you… well, mentally ill?

So there I was, out in the park trying to run away my OCD, listening to a Jarvis Cocker documentary about Carson McCullers, an author who wrote The Heart is a Lonely Hunter , and whose relatively short life was dogged by depression an alcoholism.

5 Do's and Dont's of Dealing with Other's Mental Illness

There was some archive audio of her saying: Her words stopped me in my tracks. I posted on Twitter, suggesting a regular meet-up for people with mental health issues, where they could walk and talk without fear of judgement. I put a date and a place: I thought I had gone properly mad as I left home that cold, wet Sunday morning.

let's end mental health discrimination

There is huge relief too in knowing that your identity is only partly linked to the illness, and that you are not totally defined by it. Tim explains that support is 'about giving someone the skills and the toolkit to be able to develop some confidence around the unpredictable nature of dating. It makes it a lot more difficult for me to go out and talk to people. She fears that she will come off as rude, or not interested in someone she actually likes because it can be hard for her to talk in person: But when it comes to disclosing personal issues, Sophie is reasonably cautious, often testing the waters with more general conversations about mental health, to gauge how open and understanding the other person might be.

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I met my ex on Twitter and we talked on there for a while, before actually meeting up. I find it much easier to get to know them a bit more before I put myself into a face to face situation,' she says. Things you can say during sex: But things you should not say during sex?

Hannah, 24

I can give you some tips, though. Detail the type and severity of your illness. Tell them how it has affected you in the past and how it is likely to affect your relationship. For me, there are two major things that tend to go as soon as I become depressed: These are obviously fairly big hurdles in a relationship — having a girlfriend who smells like a bin and who sits in the same spot on the sofa for three weeks may not be the most appealing prospect. Encourage them to research your diagnosis so they know, roughly, what they are dealing with. As with many people who suffer from mania in some form, the first symptom for me is a complete inability to sleep combined with a desperate compulsion to talk all of the time.

6 people with mental health conditions on finding 'the one' | Metro News

You should also, as a couple, draw up a contingency plan in case of emergency. What resources do you need? This could be anything from bubble bath, music, books or puzzles to calm you down, to something more serious — do you have spare medication, for example? It feels deeply horrible and personal. Talking to a newly single friend recently, she told me that several relationships that seemed to be going well had mysteriously withered away as soon as she mentioned her severe clinical anxiety.

Some told her that was the case — that they were unable or unwilling to deal with it — and others mysteriously disappeared as soon as she mentioned it. It, understandably, bummed her out.