Digital dating rules

I would never waste a lady's time by endlessly chatting with her and never asking her out. I actually respect my fellow women and I hold high standards on how they should be treated. Not everyone behaves like me though: These rules help you to weed out the worthless, thoughtless, disrespectful, and sometimes even dangerous suitors that come your way. Too many ladies waste their time on losers of all sexes who do not love them and do not view them as special.

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  2. You’re doing it wrong: 10 new rules for dating.
  3. Online dating: Aim high, keep it brief, and be patient?
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As a woman, I understand the need that women have to be adored and loved. However, opening up too soon to someone is not really that healthy.

Digital Dating: Rules, Advice & Tips for Online & App-Based Dating

Even I would start to question a relationship if a lady I was seeing came off as too desperate or too clingy. I honestly would start to question her mental health if she broke all of these rules left and right. So, all in all ladies: I think this is a wonderful book with guidelines on how to both show yourself some much needed respect and find someone who will love you for the wonderful woman that you are.

I wish more ladies would take these rules to heart. No lady deserves to be left heart-broken and alone.

Digital Dating: Why You Should Say Yes to Maybe - Laurie Davis - TEDxPSUBerks

Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I ended up having to skip large sections of this book because it's just too dated.

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  • I was hoping for more information about trying to weather the storm of online dating with texting and social media apps like Tinder, Facebook, Bumble, OKCupid This book actually goes into a full blown explanation about what an "IM" is. I read this because my divorced daughter was reading it, and I was interested in how dating rules may have changed since the '60s.

    After all, this generation has the Internet, every electronic gadget that can connect two people, not to mention the sexual freedom. Well, I just finished The Rules, and as a happily married woman to the same man going on 47 years I am in total agreement with the authors. Minus the Internet, it's exactly the tactics that I used to snare my darling husband! If my daughter had asked, I would have shared the same Rules, but mothers even those with advanced degrees never have credibility until someone else writes them down in a book.

    It's a shame because so much heartache could be avoided if young women listened to their mothers! We are living in an ever changing world. It is a fact that most people are now meeting online whether it be for business or personal relationship purposes anymore. If you believe it, 1 in 5 relationships now begins online.

    Having known this information, we must be cautious and walk on eggshells around others. The Internet allows for people to lie unlike ever before. With that, The Rules women also have to rise to the challenge and provide some guidelines. How does a woman play hard to get online? Almost an oxymoron, but it can still work Let the man respond to your ad, do not respond to his. And only respond to him if he has sent you an actual email rather than a "wink" or the like.

    Having many past experiences, a person who takes the time to write an email rather than send a wink, even if it's just "Hi how are you? Some guys are just looking to get their egos stroked and have no intention whatsoever of actually meeting you.

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    If one does not have a picture online, they are hiding something. If you get an email or a wink from someone without a picture, simply send an email "I'd like to see a picture please, thank you.

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    His excuse was he didn't know how to do it. Someone who doesn't know how to upload a photograph in this day and age is either lying or really REALLY needs to learn how because others will think that he is stupid. And if he truly does not know how to do it, or he's not going to put forth the effort to FIND someone to help him with it, then he's a loser. Compose an ad that does not say anything too personal about yourself, is in the form of love poetry, and certainly nothing sexual about yourself.

    You will also be subjected to form letters, generic descriptions like "My friends and family are important to me", "I love to travel", etc. They are not serious either. If he has not asked to meet you within four emails, or at least volunteer his phone number, he's not going to. There are situations where people have been exchanging emails for weeks, even months and the two will never actually meet. You're there for a dating purpose, not for meeting pen pals. Most people will insist on talking on the phone at least once before they are to meet face to face. This is a must. Of this, be cautious as well.

    Sometimes you will not have much chemistry with someone on the phone, in person you will not either.

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    Also, be wary of those out there who are looking for nothing but sex, allowing themselves to come off in the previous steps as being serious but attempt to rope you into something. I have had others attempt to get me to do some kind of phone sex routine, even questioning me for a long time on things I have and haven't done in the past.

    Surely you cannot think that this person is serious enough to talk to you like this let alone treat you well. Tell him to call a phone sex line instead of you. Once you have met face to face, then all the Rules still apply. If you had a bad time with him or you feel that you did not "mesh well", you should simply tell that person.

    Send an email through the site saying that while you had a nice time with them, you do not feel that the two of you are a good match and wish them best of luck trying to find someone. In the long run, they will thank you for your consideration. If you never hear from that person again otherwise by phone or email, then just move on. Also, like in real life, if he has not contacted you within hours of meeting you, he won't.

    This book, by the way, was written before the advent of text messaging. You want a phone call from him, not a text. There was one guy several years ago who I met once, did not hear from him for weeks, then one day he called me again. We got together one more time, then one day when I tried contacting him the cell phone number had been changed. Unfortunately, as I have found out, the online world is no better than the real world for meeting others, the medium in which you are communicating, however, is different.

    I have been online dating for years, and have had many encounters with people.

    Online dating: Aim high, keep it brief, and be patient - BBC News

    There are only a few truly good people out there, I have made a few good friends online, but the majority of the ones I have met are far from Mr. Still, we all try. There is no reason why you can't do this because it's just about having a little fun. Right out there for me or anyone else?

    I really don't know the answer to that. All you can do is keep trying and moving forward, and this is one way in which we move forward. See all reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway. Customers who viewed this item also viewed.