Xkcd dating a librarian

I plod forward with reasonable expectations of humanity, and am constantly horrified by the worst opinions that I never imagined anyone would hold, flung at me in surprise.

xkcd | Library Cartoons, Comics and Drawings

Seriously, did anyone ever anticipate incels? Did you go looking for them? Did you imagine they could exist? I suppose it was only a matter of time before the lonely and dejected started meeting and discuss their inability to find sex and lend each other emotional support.

In which I disagree with xkcd

I find it makes perfect sense if you look at it the other way. Sure, incels could have been predicted — they are just ignorant arrogant redneck nerds at heart. Too hideous and awkward a male to know even how to talk to a female.

But even then, I knew my failure to earn the company of a woman was something to be ashamed of, and not excuse to do terrible things. And I totally loved this strip. I'm infamous amongst my friends for being terrible when it comes to taking good care of books. I use the books and you can see it on them.

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I don't fold pages because it doesn't work for me, but I do have a tendency to sort of "play" with the rim of the page while I read. I totally fold paper-backs so I can read them with one hand. But somehow, I like my books better that way, that you can see that they've been used. I can't stand new books, they make me shiver.

I'm not too big on libraries maybe it's because the one at my school is extremely limited , but I just crave second-hand book shops. I love the smell of paper going yellow and the way it looks and feels and the atmosphere it gives you while reading the book. And yes, young people sometimes do aspire to work with dusty old books ok! Although admittedly a good amount of people in my course are a lot older than me. Im only in my first year and im still not sure what they are gonna fill the other years with.. I feel like after my first semester there cant possibly be much more left Ill let you know anyway.

Xkcd dating a librarian, What dating exclusively means

She only looked away for a moment, and the mask slipped, and you fell. All your tomorrows start here. You can only be a librarian after finishing a masters degree?!?

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I'm made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions. Public libraries only have a few qualified librarians on staff, and uni libraries have about half their staff as librarians. Everyone else is a library technician or similar. Even library technicians do more than you give them credit for.

I believe most libraries will only hire someone with a degree as a Librarian, otherwise you're a Library tech or some other name. Keep in mind, to work in a library, you aren't just moving books around, you have to know all the different catalogs, the cataloging systems Dewey, Sears, LOC, etc. There's a lot of complex information behind those shelves and card catalogs that is easy to take for granted.

Unfortunately, a lot of idiots still come in to the library asking, "I'm looking for a blue book. A good library job is hard to get.

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Most of the time, the only way a position is opened is by someone dying. You have to know how to use all the journal searching systems the library subscribes to, and you have to be able to deal with the public. I like bookish, quiet girls with glasses, so I suppose I would enjoy dating a librarian. Some people have a genuine gift of poetry, a way with words that surpasses beauty and touches the deepest parts of one's soul Down with the hipster binary! I've talked to a lot of the so-called New Atheists, including some of the biggest big shots in this movement….

We're going to have to start calling ourselves the Three Wise Atheists of of Scienceblogs: Sometimes, I am extremely annoyed with the principle of separation of church and state — it leads to absurdities, like this recent court decision that a gay student support group was was using unconstitutional tactics — it was using materials that mentioned that some religions are more tolerant of….

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