Do doctors dating nurses

Yes, nurses and doctors DO date each other, but not nearly on the scale that Hollywood would have you believe. The long hours and extreme situations of a medical environment can lead to more intense closeness than other workplaces. Nurses date nurses, nurses date EMTs, nurses date cafeteria personnel, nurses date custodial staff. Somehow, though, when nurses do date doctors, that romance is susceptible to more intense scrutiny than other relationships.

Dear Doctor's Diary: Nurses, Flirting and Favouritism

Nurses dating doctors is a hot-button issue with real-life repercussions. When you engage in that romance, be prepared for gossip from coworkers, unhappy supervisors and possibly a damaged professional reputation. Because no matter how it ends, your colleagues could get caught up in your drama, and that can lead to long-term career damage.

And as unfair as it may seem, that impact is more than likely to be felt most by the nurse in the relationship. We have a single-blinded study going and it's already returning hilarious results.

Nurses and Doctors: To Flirt or Not To Flirt? - NurseBuff

I've been asked out by med students, I mainly say no because I've always been under assumption they wouldn't really have time to really date. Don't forget tha fact they know how dumb we really are. That explains I guess why they wouldn't want to date us. For us, we could probably get in trouble for approaching them likethat if not reciprocated.

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As someone who has done nursing school and med school im just being honest. And trust me nurses say way more horrible things about med students. Med students are dumb or at least bad when they start out. Yes, we're objectively book smart, but lots of smart people have zero common sense or self-awareness, and even the ones who do make stupid mistakes.

2. You get the looks, gossip, and questions

To act like nurses are sooooo far below us because they took a different career path - who cares. It's a shitty attitude. I was a lab manager, which included supervising the med students who came in to do summer projects. Med students are not charming from the other side. Well that is a shitty generalization lol. Reading that makes me think that you either got lucky, go to a super low tier school, or just really don't know what it takes to get into med school. I would say most of the people in my class and in classes at schools more selective than mine are smart with common sense; otherwise they wouldn't be where they are.

I also don't think op of that comment was saying nurses are beneath us; it's just guessing maybe incorrectly that few nursing students could handle Med school. Might be a shitty thing to say off the bat publicly, but it isn't wrong just because 'oh in fact med students are dumb with no self awareness'.

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I did get lucky, because I am in med school and thousands of qualified applicants get turned away every year. I go to a good school, a much better school than I ever thought I'd end up at again with the luck. We all have our off days. I'm not going to argue this point. It is my opinion that even smart people have blind spots, lapses in judgment, and are sometimes just really bad at real life. In my opinion it is the height of arrogance to think that we're above that because we're med students. I don't agree with your final statements, but the rest is spot on.

For sure anyone can be bad at life and medical school will not save you from those inadequacies; but I don't believe that is what the other commenter was suggesting, let alone that you can assume this to be true for most med students. I mean sure, there'll be med students who think nurses are "below them" - but those people are idiotic pieces of shit.

As for being lonely in med school: That's quiet true, at least for me.

Nurses and Doctors: To Flirt or Not To Flirt?

But this is much more a personal issue I feel, depending on how much of your social life you allow to be taken away from you. I just dont know how to meet girls if they're not in medical school? Tinder, Bumble, and coffee meets bagel just dont give that many matches where my med school is. And sometimes it's about you and your profile.

Girls have almost unlimited options when it comes to online dating so it's important to have picture that make you look interesting and exciting. A profile blurb that's witty and nonchalant and interests that make someone want to talk to you. Make sure you're maximizing your own perceived value before blaming lack of matches on location. Saying your a Med student doesn't really get anyone moist. Saying your a doctor in training who travels to exotic places and hikes around the world while rescuing kittens does. And never forgot the golden rule of dating, embellish and lie until they finally fall for you and the you let the whole facade come crashing down and then they can't leave because they love you already.

Therein lies the problem. The usual answer would be: Find a hobby where you meet new people, do some extracurricular activities - but let's be honest, who's got the time for that at least I certainly don't. So online dating would be next best thing but it doesn't seem to work out for you. Honestly, I'm as much at a loss as you are. I would love to get into a relationship, maybe especially with someone who isn't in med school just so life does not entirely revolve around medicine, as it is now - but I neither have the time nor any ideas on how to go on about this.

During my 3rd year orientation, we were specifically warned not to engage in any interpersonal relationships aka dating with any staff until after we graduate due to "professionalism.

I don't usually walk the floors trying to pick up nurses, but they have definitely flirted with me before. I hooked up with a scrub nurse that I met at a bar, but our conversation started because she knew me from the hospital.

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Tinder wise though, I love nurses and nursing students because you can use medical pick up lines, and yes being a medical student does get you girls when you can charm them by being smart. They're only through their first semester of med school, and willpower only lasts so long.