Like a conventional speed dating, Halal Speed Dating follows the same rules. You set a date, time and place for the event. If someone catches feelings for you, then you decide if you want to take it further.
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Although conducted in a Syariah-compliant way, the service is not limited to only Muslims, non-Muslims are also welcomed to participate too. However, if your future partner is Muslim, well, the law is the law. If you ask me, it actually sounds really cute.
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HSD was set up to help busy modern Muslims find potential partners through a Syariah-compliant, straight-forward way. Both Munirah and Zuhri truly believe this is the best way to find a spouse. They met at the Marriage Corner , a seminar on marriage which is part of the annual Twins of Faith conference in Kuala Lumpur.
The conference is funded and organized by the UK organisation Mercy Mission. This conference is simultaneously run in other cities such as Lahore, Pakistan and Melbourne, Australia.
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Minirah and Zuhri married after five months of exhanging emails and chaperoned interaction. Based on the HSD website , successful matches and marriage are a result of having:.
Our grandfathers were proper gentlemen. More importantly, it avoids fitnah, heartbreak, premarital pregnancy, premarital sex, abandoned babies and all 50 Shades of Haram. You get the picture.
Semantically speaking, premarital pregnancy and premarital sex cannot occur in a marriage. Marriage is the precondition, according to some orthodox understandings, for sex and preganancy to happen. But the fixation on children as an indicator of marriage happiness seems to be a common denominator between the Malaysian husband-wife company and the Mercy Mission Marriage Corner event that brought them together.
There are also plenty of couples that may not be able to conceive, as well as happy couples that choose not to have children.