Bad experience dating a cop

If their chin is out over a break up, they can "get even" in ways others cannot do without repercussions.

So you can dump a civilian and yeah, they might do something crappy to you - you can call the cops over it. If the person you dumped is a cop - then what do you do? I don't think that's a fair assessment at all. I've two close friends who are police officers one a city officer, the other a state trooper and they are very gentle, family-oriented guys. One is happily married and the other is looking.

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What might be a no-deal is that cops lead very dangerous lives, as do firefighters. The spouses of cops have to deal with a great deal of stress as they don't know whether when they kiss their husband or wife off to work, if that's the last time they'll ever see them again. It's definitely a "live for the moment" kind of relationship. OTOH, they tend to value whatever they have with their partner deeply. But I wouldn't write off officers just because of their profession.

Originally Posted by Sazerac. I'd say never date the dickhead cops, but there are normal ones.

Cops today are almost trained to be psychotic. I've been pulled over for minor things like a tail-light out, and they approach with their hand on their gun ready for you to pull a weapon on them, and contrary to popular belief that doesn't happen often. One of my brother in laws in a police officer..

Not a mean bone in his body My wife's father is a retired firefighter and he is a wonderful man.. I will say though there are the aggressive types that have trouble treating women right What about football players? He was fired and arrested.. I think if I was a girl and was thinking about dating a cop I would look at it on a case by case kinda deal and not make a sweeping generalization since there are bad ones and good ones.. A friend of mine worked all her life in a police station.. I've personally known a few cops.. I just dumped one never had sex with though but he was insistant..

I had to dump him.. I wasn't interested in sex.. Originally Posted by Lizzie Originally Posted by Engadget. I wouldn't date a cop for the same reason i won't date someone in the army , navy air force, etc.. Originally Posted by SilentVoice. I have always heard that cops are control freaks. And yes, it makes sense that cops and firemen can easily get women, especially firemen.

This cute year-old fireman was trying to pick me up a while back, and after I'd clearly rejected him, he started talking about his woman woes. You're not going to have any problem getting women. You know, the whole hero thing? She normally doesn't take any crap from anybody, but she seems to let this cop walk all over her. They must be having some really great sex for her to allow it.

Has anyone on here ever date a cop and do you have any advice?

I say they ALL do.. As if you know all of the 's of thousands of Canadian Police officers The list goes on and on! I personally don't know any cops well enough to judge these things, and some of the people are just going by rumor as well, but still, it's a little disturbing that I hear it so much!

And not that I was planning to date anyone anyway, I just wondered what the heck am I getting into! And, supposing there are a few bad apples, is it the police job that causes people do this, or do they start out that way and just gravitate towards a career in law enforcement?


I've been dying to ask. All I can say is I dated a few cops back in the day, but ended up marrying someone not in law enforcement. You are gonna get positive and negative comments for both situations so you just gotta make up your own mind. Though it was OK to date them but not to marry?

If you are a woman just getting into this job, do NOT date your fellow Officers. You'll get a rep and BAD. It's okay for them to whore around, not for you. Someone always finds out and they are not nice about it. Then again, someone that wanted the position you got will probably allege it anyway. This job isn't the kindest to women I don't know about the homosexual ones other than they get a lot of grief from citizens from time to time.

  1. 15 Things To Expect If You Are Going To Date A Cop - Pros And Cons;
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  5. What to Expect When Dating a Cop;

I dated my first cop after about seven years in. Originally posted by VegasMetro View Post. Just shut your damn hole Dead SoulsThey keep calling me. I will say that the job does attract a certain type. That combined with long periods away from home, etc etc etc There's a reason the divorce rate among LEO is 85 percent. Me, I started dating my boyfriend while at the Academy. It was horrid, all the rumors that flew around because of it.

We were in the same class, and while there were no rules about it, we were both in positions of authority within the class and everyone accused me of getting special treatment because I was the female half.

15 Things To Expect If You Are Going To Date A Cop - Pros And Cons

We work is departments 2. As far as dating cops though I don't see a problem with it. Maybe because I am one? Cops aren't all bad, but take a regular human being, add in alpha personality, some stress and a strong connection with coworkers and it does strain a relationship. It's really hard dating a cop. The odd schedules, the extra shifts they pick up, the way their attitude changes - all are factors which people think twice before dating cops. I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into. This show is awesome, wrapped in supercool and smothered in bitchin.