Know if guy your dating likes you

Pay attention to all signs of physical touch. The point is, he will find ways to make your bodies meet. Also, pay attention to how he reacts when you touch him. Does he tense up and back away, or is he warm an receptive?

18 Signs a Man Wants to Be With You (And He Wants a Serious Relationship)

The caveats here are he might be a shy, awkward type of guy and maybe feels extra nervous when touching a girl he likes. Or he might be a playboy who welcomes female physical affection in any form with wide open arms. Again, look at the full picture, not the tiny pieces. When a guy likes you, you will have a different status in his life, and he will treat you differently. He may act a little protective toward you, like holding your hand when walking down steep stairs, angling his body to almost shield you when walking through a crowd, and just looking out for you.

Pay attention to the way he acts with other people and compare that to the way he behaves around you. Even the most confident guy will get a little nervous around a woman he likes.

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Just take silent comfort in the fact that you make him nervous. Again, take it into context. But if the nervous guy gets extra nervous around you, then he probably likes you. And he uses those interests as a means to get to know you better. He may dig a little deeper and ask more questions. This is another major sign he likes you.

When we like someone, we want to know everything about them. Mirroring is a subconscious thing we do when we like someone.

2. He Goes Deep

It basically means he copies your actions. A good way to show reciprocal interest is to mirror him. Touch your face when he touches his, shift your stance when he angles left, cross your legs in the same direction as his, etc. Him wanting to be in our close vicinity is another major sign. Remember in elementary school when a guy would pull your pigtails to show he liked you? Well, not much has changed except the ways of teasing have become a little more refined.

But we never really grow up all that much! If a guy likes you, he will playfully tease you. He may playfully punch your arm or playfully tease you for a stain on your shirt or something else silly and innocuous like that. Just beware of a guy who gets a little carried away with the teasing. If he crosses the line from teasing to being aggressive, then stay away. If he likes you, he most likely told his friends about you. The point is, your name has come up in conversation! Pay attention to how his friends react to you.

Do they just seem to know a lot about you? A new haircut, a new sweater, a new makeup look, he notices any time you tweak your appearance. You know, he knows, everyone around you knows. That is really the only sign you need. The sign that trumps all others. I talk about this a lot more later in the article, so keep going.

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  5. Exactly How to Know If a Guy Likes You FOR SURE?

Are you wasting your time on a dead end, or do you need to just wait it out a little longer before landing in relationship-ville? I would entertain every possible scenario except for the obvious … that maybe he was into me, but not enough for it to matter. I know how hard it is not to take such things personally. Another reason a lot of us get so confused in this realm is that we cling to the vision of how we want things to be, rather than seeing what is. You want a relationship with him, so you cling to any sign that he wants the same thing.

You focus exclusively on tiny pieces of the puzzle instead of putting it all together to see the larger picture. When looked at individually, a puzzle piece can be completely ambiguous, so you create your own interpretation of what it means. The reality is that by playing emotional detective, you usually only succeed in doing one thing: Men, in general, are goal-oriented. They see something they want and they pursue it. When a guy likes you , he is drawn to you. He wants to be around you, he finds reasons to talk to you, he becomes a presence in your life, and he gives you a special kind of attention that no one else is given.

He lights up around you, he is excited to see you, he loves spending time with you, and he wants to get to know you more. Does He Like Me? When a guy likes you, you just know.


You see it in the way he looks at you, in the way he talks to you, in the way he factors you into his life. You see it in everything. I would never expect him to reply to my texts right away, and I would never expect or need an explanation.

People get busy; sometimes I go hours without responding to texts. His explanations for his texting lag-time were his way of showing me I mattered, that I was important to him, that he would never read a text from me and not reply to him.

The Biggest Signs a Guy Likes You

It was a small thing that spoke volumes. And when a guy likes you, you will have countless examples like that. You know how he feels. And the people around you know how he feels. Your friends will see it, your family will see it, the waitress will see it. It will just be obvious. If he likes you and wants to be in a relationship with you, he will make sure you know it and he will pursue it. Why are you even thinking about him?

I have made the mistake of waiting around for some guy to get his act together, and those situations never end well. Where you should put your focus is on really liking yourself and on finding happiness in your own life. The fact is, you have to trust the timing of your life. Trust that things will unfold as they are meant to. All you can do is find a way to be at peace, to accept yourself as you are, and to love who you are.

While I have dated many, many guys over the years, none of them could quite measure up to him and I could never pinpoint why. I would convince myself that now was our time, that this was it, the chemistry was so palpable, so how could he possibly not feel it too?

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From date number one it was obvious that this was it, that we were in it for the long haul. It was so, so obvious. You just need to trust that it will all be OK and try not to panic in the middle of the sentence. Trust me, life has a way of really surprising you. So in sum, stop asking if a guy likes you. Stop looking for the clues and the signs.

Exactly How to Know If a Guy Likes You FOR SURE

If you have to wonder, you have your answer. When a guy likes you, it is obvious. I hope after reading this article you know exactly how to tell if a guy likes you. At some point, he will start to pull away and may lose interest.