Im an atheist dating a christian

I refuse to be close to him right now but I just feel like I am supposed to wait. What if I never get married cause I am waiting for a man who has never even acknowledged that I exist, like that anyway…????

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If I may be blunt here, please know these words come from my heart. You say that he has never indicated an interest in you beyond sisterly friendship. So please continue to pray for his salvation. The important thing for you to be doing right now is personally growing in your relationship with God. As you focus on Scripture, prayer and service to others, you can be assured He will use every situation in your life to prepare you for what only He knows is ahead for you.

You can trust Him with your heart and your future, my friend! Praying for you this morning, friend! I will think on it. My heart was not to insult you at all, my friend, but to point you to Christ and to encourage you to search your heart to make sure that Christ is the center and not this guy. Please know that my comments come from my concern for you. I asked for an opinion. I should have simply accepted it. Please pray for me.

Yesterday we were walking home from work and he suggested we drop by a Catholic church in the neighborhood. We did and I prayed a bit while he looked around. I came to Jesus when I was adult y. Please help me and pray for me. Oleksandra… This is going to be very difficult.

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6: The biblical teaching is to not be unequally yoked. This teaches that two people that are committed to center their lives in Christ which Christians desire to do have the freedom to date and allow the Holy Spirit to guide them in their relationship.

Dating Someone with Different Religious Beliefs - Can It Work?

Trust the Lord not only with the moving out of this relationship but with what He has for you in the future. For the Lord honors those who honor Him. Let me encourage you to spend time on your relationship with God. Get into the Word of God, Oleksandra. The joy and peace it gives to know God more intimately surpasses the pull of an unhealthy relationship. Look for relationships in a Christian group that bring refreshment to your life. Is there a Bible Study for young adults you could join?

Is there a strong evangelical church in your area with a young adult group? I know this is not an easy thing to do. Be assured we have prayed for you. I am praying God will give you the courage and strength to want to do the right thing, and to do the right thing. I pray God will help you, confirm your faith in Him, and confront the young man you are dating with the Gospel, drawing him into a relationship with Christ.

I know you desire that so much, and we do too. Thank you for giving us opportunity to speak into your life and for the privilege to pray for you.

What happens when you fall in love across the religious divide? | Life and style | The Guardian

God bless you, for your desire to do what God would have you do. You have made a decision to be in love with this person. Question is, do you want to love him or save him? Question your own motives. There is nothing wrong with people being in a relationship with an atheist or anything else. I have been an atheist all my life and have been married to a christian woman for 15 years now. Our kids go to church with her and I even like to go to my kids programs at their church.

For all you out there with this question on your minds there is nothing wrong with it, if you do not agree then do what you feel is right but I hope you know we are all the same at the end of the day. The reason why I gave up religion was because I wanted to dedicate my life to being a good, moral, ethical person —without anything attenuating that. An atheist hates the very idea of there being a God. This is fractally wrong on so many levels and a profoundly ignorant mischaracterization of Atheists.

Christians on the other hand in the majority of cases who hold a tremendous emotion stake in their beliefs. The notion that their beliefs are false would be too upsetting for them to contemplate. They simply could not bear their carefully structured world view to be exposed as delusion or fraud. Not surprisingly only a few lowered their hands. This interesting thought experiment plus day to day observation of human nature signals to me that it is religious believers who maintain their beliefs from emotional motives. I have been a believer since I was about 10 years old.

I committed myself to Christ and decided to follow Him at all costs. I guess I didnt realise at what cost I will be required to pay. As every woman desires, I desired to fall in love, and marriage with a good Christian man. But I went to a girls boarding school and never met any boys. I left school at Then at university in the United Kingdom, I met lots of guys but they were not Christians, and I was single throughout. After graduating, I did further studies, but never met a Christian guy…you know the idealist Christian guy that blogs like these speak about.

I am now 33 and the only guys I have ever dated have been through work, and I have never met a Christian man at work. They have always been atheist. Because I have always had this fear and guilt of dating a non Christian, I have never been able to fully commit to a non-believing guy. Articles like this highlight the choice Christian women have to make when they follow Christianity.

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  • I’m Falling in Love with an Atheist.

I attend Church and in fact attended a mega Church in London for 7 years, but I never met any single Christian men there. All the Church ministry activities I did were full of women. Men in general just dont seem to want to serve in Church here in the UK. I attend a medium church now with lots of young single Christians, but there are maybe beautiful Christian girls to 10 Christian, God-loving, Bible-believing guys.

Its great for happily married Christian couples in their twenties and early thirties shouting dont marry him etc etc, but I am 33 and I have lost hope. Do you have any idea how hard it is?

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So basically what you are saying to me is that I should remain single? My young life is gone, I am still a virgin and I am still waiting for this amazing Chrisitian marriage-material man. Can you see how sad my life is? There are christian women for every 10 christian guys…can you see that you are telling me to remain an umarried virgin for the rest of my life?

Is it fair to say that maybe if the world was full of Christians, then yes a Christian woman should obviously seek out a believer.

When believers marry atheists

The majortiy of people are non-christians or non-practising, or agnostic. So in a world like this, what a Christian women supposed to do? Remain single and virgin the rest of their lives? Has anyone thought about a solution to this?

You are 33 and have spend 15 years of your adult life a virgin without a mate. Hi Joe, thanks for your kind response. Her faith is in no way diminished for marrying me nor do I stand in her way in her faith journey. I do however accompany her to church one in a while. Despite our faith differences the love and the marital bond is there every bit as if we believed the same. I hear your pain, Melina! The waiting can be very, very hard.

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But let me exhort you to not lower your standards.