Matchmaking hackers

Play ESEA, it's the only solution. I haven't played an MM game in probably 3 months, got sick of all the cheaters. Currently, the average player kicks the slightly below average player when they were losing the game. This experience for the novice player is terrible. It is worse then seeing a cheater in a game. There is a lot of harm done emotionally in addition to the losing experience. We also have that sad guy who ask for a kick when he is losing in the first 3 rounds so that he does not receive a ban. When kicking is ok, it defeats the purpose of an anti-competitive ban.

Kicks should have a limit and cooldown. When someone abuse it, that someone can no longer initiate a kick in the next few days. A similar cooldown as the quit ban. When joining a competitive game, they agreed to play 16 rounds. Be it winning or losing. They don't kick people and harm the person's experience. What gives them the right?


They are the manager? They paid for that competition? Kicks must be earned. When someone kicked a cheater and overwatch detect it successfully, he or she will earn more kicks. Players reserve their kicks , be it an initiate or vote, to protect themselves. Had they been abusing it, they will be given no more kicking ability on the day they encounter a real cheater.

Players can earn more kicking ability when there is a cheater on their team and they successfully kicked him.

Prime Matchmaking to reduce hackers in FortniteBR - Forums

When nothing is earned, they would rather just win the game with that cheater. I have 39 kick limit and previously kicked 20 cheaters successfully. I never abuse my kicks. He has 0 kicks left this week. He kicked people in the game when he lose. He has to wait another week to gain 1 kick and that's the limit. So many people that don't even try to hide it: Yeah I rage queued after losing a couple games and ended up getting all the way down to MGE.

Prime Matchmaking to reduce hackers in FortniteBR

I know that feeling. People in MM atm are making shots that would embarrass Guardian. Either NA has more untapped talent than we could possibly believe or there is a serious epidemic. You aren't kidding lol. I've played against two people in the past week who were vac banned the day after I played against them at LE.

Honestly I don't even want to play the game at all anymore. Lost games then win one after few days and get LE from DMG, check previous matches all at least one vac ban. If thats true then the match gets erased and doesnt count towards your elo so you should rank back up. Ehh, ELO can be a bit counterintuitive.

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You can lose 6 matches while playing well and losing only slightly etc. In 3 matches there were obviously cheating guys. Played two games today, one game had 2 obvious cheaters and the other game had 3.

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I've also been noticing a lot of messages in the main menu lately telling me that players I reported have been permanently banned. You don't even need to enter competitive to find them. Hit the Casual Matchmaking servers and you can see Rank 1 accounts getting their 30 bombs and tracing through walls and prefiring without ghosting.

Last game i played with a kid with no pic on my team deaging only even tho he was trash, another dude named "Deranking", you know what that means, a screaming toddler and on the other team a guy on round 3, hadn't play in 3 weeks and that was my welcome back game. I honestly never hackusate people.

But the last week I've played like 3 MM matches where for the first time ever Ive seen 2 cheaters. Maybe I came across them before but they were never as obvious as this and never did I care much for it. Both accounts had and hours though. Exactly the same here. Low hour accounts, no skins, or private. Not to mention they're stupidly blatant about it. Been on a stupid loss streak since, and I'm very comfortable in DMG.

Thankfully managed to win one with good team work in the middle but I feel a derank just around the corner, pretty frustrating. Tonight, I just played 2 games, both had wallers in it. They would know exactly where you were, regardless if they had info. Prefired you every single time. At this point I'm pretty much done with MM or caring about some superficial rank next to my name Not that I ever should have. There's not much of a clean experience in MM anymore and I'm tired of it being a gamble on whether or not it will be. MM is completely useless and I am yet to see a game where there isn't atleast one smurf past like fucking months.

Such is the life of mm. We are due for a vac wave pretty soon and it will go down for a bit, then in another 6 months we will be back here. I'm at the point where i dont mind spinbotters, they are at least "honest" and end the game fast. But all those " gg close game" games Thats the most frustrating thing in MM. Like its less obvious if they lose rounds on purpose. Absolutely blows my mind how someone is allowed to continue playing Vac secured servers with that many bans.

After one they should never be allowed to touch a vac secured server from that account or IP again. Shame I need to buy a third party program just to play a simple game. Valve should introduce a system where if you play x amount of games then you don't get matched against anyone below that amount of games played.

This would make sure you never really have to deal with cheaters who just hop on a new account after getting VACd or after a banwave. The most frustrating cheaters are those that only start cheating when they convince themselves you are cheating.

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  5. We had a game yesterday on Inferno and we won CT side and lost At least 2 of them started cheating, fucking ridiculous and this is only at MGE level. In case anyone thinks we just got outplayed - We peek baited them so many times and they shot without us showing any of our player model. They were also called 'Team Comeback'.

    ESEA has the only decent anticheat right now, so it's definitely worth it if cheaters are the reason you hate MM.


    The only advantage FaceIt has over MM is the tickrate. I think a lot of people are hesitant about this because of all the people who come to the "sick of hackers, should I get ESEA? It's usually a mix of "get good scrub, they're not cheating just better than you" responses and "don't think about touching ESEA until Global or get raged at". Originally posted by Call of Emu: There is on thing I am sure most of you are not aware of and this is important to understand.